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One week update - Farmhouse Chic Bathroom

This week has been a blur. So much is going on. In addition to getting graduation card photographs, printing and mailing, we have been busy inside too.

You may recall the little sneak preview photo of my new bathroom mirrors. Well, today I wanted to make a short post to show where we are int his project. I don't pretend to do clean and perfect renovations every time, so prepare yourself for messy photos. That's just the way it is folks when you live in a house while renovating it.

Now, onto the photos...

The above picture was the bathroom last weekend. We had just sanded and started painting the cabinets. The walls were being painted a soft gray. The first picture is of my sweet husband. I love how he is wearing cowboy boots to climb on the countertop and pull down a mirror. Lol! N-O-T OHSA approved working conditions.

The photos below show how he started to attached the shiplap. In the pictures showing the side of our upper cabinets, you can see how we applied shiplap there as well. These cabinets are cheap builder grade and the sides are nothing more than plywood with a vinyl "sticker type" coating. Paint will not adhere to this properly, so we decided the shiplap look was right for us. It was free because he used scraps and it allowed us to paint the sides of the cabinet. Winner! He cut down scrap wood into various sizes and applied them using liquid nail. Nails would be too long and go through the cabinet box. The photo shows how he inserted pennies between the rows to give symmetry in the spacing between planks. He then took 4x8 sheets of MDF and cut it into 4" strips. Then, he used his router to give the edges a nice finish. They strips were then applied to the walls as a sort of crown moulding without all the extra work. We painted the ceiling getting rid of that peachy color that the previous home owners seemed to love.

Finally, he reinstalled the light fixture so we can see again and sat one of my new mirror on the counter to use for dressing until they are permanently installed. Aren't they gorgeous? Hobby Lobby splurge even at half off.

We still have to finish sanding and painting the cabinets doors. The pictures don't show it, but the trim is painted. The tops of the upper cabinets still need moulding and trim. All the walls need is for us to finish applying the gray paint. The countertops will receive a concrete treatment and seal. Finally, the curtain, shelf and wall decor will need attention. So, that's where we are folks. I am hoping to finish the doors this week. We are supposed to receive more rain, so drying times will likely increase. :(

I will post another update when we get the mirrors hung and I make a new curtain out of a drop cloth.

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