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Kevin has been busy too...of course

If Kevin's job doesn't have him busy working, you can bet he is busy around the house.

Those of you who know my husband already know that he is probably one of, if not the hardest working man on this Earth. Seriously. If I am working, he's been working, for longer and harder.

He is not only a hard worker, but so sweet. A few weeks back, he decided to make me an herb garden just off our back patio. I have wanted one for some time in this area. Boy did he one up me on this project. He made a patio area out of some old stepping stones and even mixed up a smear, (like the one Chip did on the Fixer Upper house for Max Lucado's daughter), to give the bricks an aged look. But, he continued his work. For Mother's Day, he added a second raised bed off the patio for Lavender. I planted two French Lavender and two English Lavender plants. These will take a few years to fill completely out. Gorgeous.

He has personally wanted to extend the patio for at least a year or two. I wasn't sure how it would look. Well, I love it. He always exceeds my expectations. Love him!

The pictures below were snapped in a moment to give a quick update. (Try to ignore the lighting). I just wanted to keep up with all that is going on over here at the homestead. I posted it now instead of waiting for the everything to scream perfection moment, which rarely comes around here...

You know, I am really excited about his patio extension. Not only is it pretty, but this allows for me to do something I have desired for a long time. This desire started long ago with a table, just a few months short months after we moved into this house. I was browsing Craigslist's Free section to see what kind of junk might prove useful over here. That's when I stumbled upon this super cool, FREE, old farm table in downtown Dallas. Since Kevin works in the Metroplex, I asked the owner if he would hold it until my husband could make it over after work to pick it up. Behold, a peek at the free junk table. Notice the antique hardware and chippy paint. Someone made this from scraps. Gotta love that. We are presently enjoying its use as a potting table. I have ideas of grandeur and a much more noble purpose for it in store...

So, what have I been wanting to do to the patio area? I'm glad you asked! I want to move the older patio set to the brick paver area and pull the free farm table away from the wall where it is currently located into the center of the covered back porch. I have four free chairs I scored on Craigslist from around the corner waiting to be refinished and their seats recovered. They would look good in a weathered white paint and neutral outdoor fabric on the seats. We have roll down shades to block the evening sun, but perhaps I will make some outdoor curtains. I have an old greenish/antique patina chandelier hanging in my garage. Perhaps I can remove the wiring and refit it to hold candles. A nice chippy white finish would complete the look. What do you think? Here is a picture of the chandelier.

I have stepped out to snap a few quick photos of the table and chandelier. Kevin cracks me up. He keeps asking me what I was taking a picture I told him he would have to go to my blog to find out. I hope that when he reads my post about the patio area, it doesn't kill plans for my french farmhouse garden patio. He's a good sport.

Kevin, if you are reading this, please remember our vows.....I love you dear.

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