Note Card Encouragement - Bless Those in Your Home

Ever want to share an encouraging note or scripture verse with those you love? Those of you who have been to my home know it is filled with scripture verses on the wall, cabinets, and sometimes even mirrors ... practically any place I think someone is likely to notice it. Because I like to change things out regularly, I had to find a quick, attractive and inexpensive way to share my encouraging thoughts and God's Word.

For this project, all you need is paper, a glue stick and scissors. You don't have to print it, but if you do, there are some eye catching ways you can use font and colored ink for them to get noticed. You could even use Calligraphy, stencils, markers, etc. if you are doing this by hand. If you have spare craft or scrapbooking paper around, you can use it as an attention getting mount for your phrase, proverb, poem or verse.

For my version of the project this time, I focused on using scripture verses that cause reflection on our thoughts and actions. (You might not choose scripture, but instead use affirming phrases, proverbs or poetry to encourage one another and to keep your thoughts uplifted.) After I chose my verses, I printed them out and gathered scrapbooking paper I had leftover from a past project.

I cut each verse and used a glue stick to attach it to the scrapbook paper. I cut it to size after it was mounted and VOILA! Instant encouragement that looks good while helping others to feel, think and do good things.

You could use tape and attach these to bathroom mirrors, cabinet, etc. Since I was hoping to have something mobile, but more permanent, I bought a picture stand at Michael's when it was on sale for half price at $3.50. You could make your own or even use something else around the house. I also plan to use these with magnetic boards and the refrigerator. Use your imagination. You can spend as little or as much as you like to personalize your "Inspirational Notes".

This particular project was for my boys' bathroom counter. I will change it out weekly when it is cleaned. I did not want to lose the verses, so I used a spare 3M hook, envelope and rubber band to hang it on the backside of the cabinet door. Just punch a hole through the corner of the envelope and thread your rubber band through it to hang.

What ways will you create inspirational notes for your home?
